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Electric vehicles are not in line with traditional internal combustion vehicles, so neither is their telematics. Geotab | CAN-AM telematics solutions are made so you get access to essential EV data to make the most out of your fleet.

Management Made Simple
A dashboard constructed for users. Easily see current battery charges, charging status, locations, and more. Flexible mapping supports managers to identify EVs status allowing them to guide the closest vehicle with enough charge to the next job. Determine which drivers are currently charging to maximize your organization’s performance.
Monitor Your Fleet’s Charging Status
Gain an all-seeing eye on your fleet and their charging. Obtain extensive charging history including when, where, and for how long they were charging. Set up notification options to resolve problems before they arise. Alert drivers when their charging is low to maximize your fleet efficiency. Institute no charge times for peak hours to avoid heavy costs.

Enhancing Electric Vehicle With Telematics Technology
The Electric Vehicle industry demands high levels of efficiency, safety, and compliance. Telematics technology offers comprehensive solutions that help manage these demands effectively. By providing real-time data, optimizing resource usage, and enhancing safety protocols, telematics systems play a crucial role in success.
Key Benefits Of Telematics For EV Fleets
Tracking At All Times: with our telematics systems you'll have real-time tracking of vehicles and equipment, helping you make sure you keep track of the status, location and availability of your assests and personnel at all times. With this, you'll be able to keep visibility. Ensure properly timed delveries with real-time tracking.
Stronger Safety Arragements: Safety above all else is priority. Telematics will help your drivers by keeping track of things such as: behavior, speed, and adherence to safety regulations. You'll be able to reduce accidents in real time with our alerts and detailed reports, as well as with out fatigue monitoring system, and collision detection system.
Proactive Maintenance Administrator: it is crucial to have regular check-ups and maintenance for ensuring reliable equipment and vehicles. Our telematics technology will help you prevent breakdownas, accidents and to reduce dowtime in getting you real time alerts and analysis. Proactive maintenance will help you guarantee top efficiency for the lifespan of your vehicles.
Efficient Route Planning: Save on costs on your travel time and fuel consumption with our GPS and real time traffic data systems. Managing efficient route planning is extremely important. Optimizing routes to take helps ensuring on operational costs and delivery time.
Adherence To Regulations: With our telematics systems will help you to guarranty adherence since they will automatically track and report Hours of Service (HOS), vehicle inspections, and driver logs - simplifying ahderence and management will help you lessen penalties and fines
Data-Supported Decisions: with the data collected with our telematics you'll have access to valuable insights for fleet operations. You'll now be able to analyse trends and optimize processes, and make better informed decisions for higher performance levels.
Anti-Theft Prevention And Better Security: Our telematics systems will help you improve on your security systems with real-time tracking and location capabilities. Ensure security for you assests and personnel by getting notified of unauthorized access.
Telematics - The Revolution For Electric Vehicle Fleet Management
Our telematics technology is made to offer unique and reasonable solutions tailored to EV industry. Our telematics systems will enable your fleets to operate more efficiently and safely.
Future Trends In Telematics For Electric Vehicles
The future for the EV industry is telematics. The inclution of advancements in machine learning, and AI will take the industry to the next elvel. Further enhancing predictive analysis, operational efficiency, and sustainability, these technologies are here to stay.
Stay ahead of the competition by investing in your telematics and the various benefits it brings to the fleet management of the industry.
Contact CAN-AM Telematics today to discover how our advanced telematics solutions can help your EV fleet achieve peak performance and operational excellence.